
Code Image Product Name
UBAliens Baby Aliens Got my Teacher Baby Aliens Got my Teacher
UBBSBackweird Back on Weird Street Back on Weird Street
UBBadthings Bad Things Bad Things
UBRobin6bandits Bandits, Dirt Bikes and Trash Bandits, Dirt Bikes and Trash
UBBadcat Batcat! Batcat!
NBBBAnts BB - Ants BB - Ants
NBBBWasps BB - Bees and Wasps BB - Bees and Wasps
NBBBBeetles BB - Beetles BB - Beetles
NBBBCrickets BB - Crickets BB - Crickets
NBBBFlies BB - Flies BB - Flies
RPBBHollywood BB - Goes to Hollywood BB - Goes to Hollywood
RPBBSpace BB - Invaders from Space BB - Invaders from Space
NBBBMoths BB - Moths BB - Moths
RPBBSwarm BB - The Deadly Swarm BB - The Deadly Swarm
RPBBTomb BB - The Emperor's Tomb BB - The Emperor's Tomb
RPBBNinja BB - The Forest of the Ninja BB - The Forest of the Ninja
RPBBPluto BB - The Ice Caves of Pluto BB - The Ice Caves of Pluto
RPBBCity BB - The Lost City BB - The Lost City
RPBBYeti BB - The Lost Yeti BB - The Lost Yeti
RPBBDeep BB - The Monsters from the Deep BB - The Monsters from the Deep
RPBBZombies BB - The Moon Zombies BB - The Moon Zombies
RPBBWisdom BB - The Quest for Wisdom BB - The Quest for Wisdom
RPBBWolf BB - The Red Wolf BB - The Red Wolf
RPBBRockmen BB - The Rock Men BB - The Rock Men